Uncovering the benefits of root canal therapy with our dentist

Our dentist in Chelsea, at Chelsea Green Dental, understands the fear and anxiety that often comes with the thought of undergoing a root canal. However, it’s important for our patients to know that this common dental procedure can save a damaged or infected tooth, prevent the spread of infection, and ultimately relieve discomfort. In this blog post, we will demystify root canal therapy and highlight its numerous benefits.


What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy, known as endodontic treatment, is a procedure that removes the damaged or infected tissue within the tooth, called the pulp. The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels that help keep the tooth alive. Once the damaged or infected pulp is removed, the tooth is cleaned and treated to prevent reinfection. The tooth is then restored with a full tooth filling or crown to strengthen and protect it.

Why is root canal therapy necessary?

Often root canal therapy is needed due to deep cavities, trauma, or a crack in the tooth that allows bacteria to enter and infect the pulp. If not fully treated, the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and cause pain, swelling, and even abscesses. Root canal therapy is the only option to save a damaged or infected tooth.

The benefits of root canal therapy

Relief from pain and discomfort

One of the most immediate benefits of root canal therapy is relief from pain and discomfort. The infected or damaged pulp is the source of the pain and once it is removed, the patient can expect a significant improvement in their symptoms. Our patients often report feeling little to no pain during or after the procedure thanks to our use of local anaesthesia and sedation options.

Saves the natural tooth

Root canal therapy allows us to save the natural tooth, which is often the preferred option over extraction. Not only does this help preserve the natural bite and appearance, but it also helps maintain the surrounding teeth and bones in proper alignment.

Prevents the spread of infection

By removing the infected or damaged pulp, we are able to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding tissues. This not only relieves current symptoms, but it also helps prevent future complications such as abscesses or the need for additional treatments.

Cost-effective solution

While the initial cost of root canal therapy may seem high, it is often a more cost-effective solution in the long run compared to extraction and replacement with an artificial tooth. Root canal therapy allows us to save the natural tooth and prevent the need for additional treatments, ultimately saving our patients time and money.

Long-lasting results

With proper care and maintenance, root canal therapy can provide long-lasting results. Our patients can expect their treated teeth to function just like any other natural tooth for many years to come.

Final thoughts

At our dentist in Chelsea, our goal is to provide our patients with quality dental care and treatment options. Root canal therapy is a common and useful procedure that can save a damaged or infected tooth, prevent the spread of infection, and ultimately relieve pain. If you’re experiencing dental pain or have been advised to undergo a root canal, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our dentist in Chelsea to learn more about this beneficial procedure.